Blockchain in HTS Software Development

Blockchain in HTS Software Development

The blockchain utilizes the features of a computer network and allows for the unique and secure management and updating of a ledger containing data and information (such as monetary transactions) in an open, shared, and distributed manner without the need for a central controlling and verifying entity. The increasing interest…

  • cybersecurity
  • HTS
NIS and NIS2, what changes for the logs?

NIS and NIS2, what changes for the logs?

The NIS (Directive 2016/1148/EC) is a 2016 European directive that became effective in 2018, aimed at strengthening cybersecurity in certain sectors considered essential for the European Union. Recently, the latest version of the NIS (NIS2) was published by the EU, which will replace the NIS1 and…

  • log
  • log management
  • regulatory compliance
Log management and GDPR, how are they related?

Log management and GDPR, how are they related?

When the “ADS Provision” (27 November 2008, published in the Official Gazette n. 300 of 24 December 2008) was issued a few years ago, there was little consensus because it was considered of little use. The request of the provision was only to track the login, logout, and login attempts…

  • log
  • log management
  • regulatory compliance
The AgID minimum measures and log management

The AgID minimum measures and log management

The AgID minimum measures are a practical reference used to evaluate the current level of security of the Public Administration and provide indications for raising it to a higher standard. The purpose, of course, is to counter the ever-increasing and frequent cyber threats that aim to obtain sensitive data from…

  • log
  • log management
  • regulatory compliance
The “System Administrators” provision and the registration of access logs

The “System Administrators” provision and the registration of access logs

The “System Administrators” provision is one of the fundamental steps for protecting personal data in organizations. It is still in force today, like the GDPR and the minimum measures of AGID, and is of central relevance in log management. The System Administrators provision The System Administrators provision was introduced…

  • log
  • log management
  • regulatory compliance
What is log management?

What is log management?

Log management is the management of log records of a computer system. Specifically, it involves the need to manage the chronological recording of activities within an IT infrastructure consisting of various sources such as files, servers, machines, nodes, devices, etc. for inspection, security, and privacy protection purposes. In the field…

  • log
  • log management
User provisioning, what it is and its advantages

User provisioning, what it is and its advantages

User provisioning is an IT process that defines the configuration of an IT infrastructure. It can refer to servers, networks, devices, applications, services, and users. In this article, we will focus on the latter. Foto di Gerd Altmann da Pixabay…

  • IAM
  • identity access management
What is an IAM (Identity and Access Management) software?

What is an IAM (Identity and Access Management) software?

An IAM (Identity and Access Management) software is a tool that defines who the users that can access a network are and what they can do, see and use The principle is that of the airport security officer: the IAM software is its digital version, and…

  • IAM
  • identity access management
Calculating the ROI for an IAM project

Calculating the ROI for an IAM project

Calculating the ROI for an Identity and Access Management (IAM) implementation project is of fundamental importance for companies. In many cases, such projects do not get off the ground because the economic return of an IAM system cannot be accurately estimated. What costs should be considered and how should they…

  • cost saving
  • IAM
  • identity access management
Data security, three cases of inefficiency in user and access management

Data security, three cases of inefficiency in user and access management

Data breaches are an increasingly critical problem for companies and public organizations. The number of attacks is constantly growing and hackers are increasingly focusing on stealing user credentials to access the system, block it, and blackmail companies. In 82% of cases (source Verizon data breach 2022), attacks are carried…

  • IAM
  • identity access management
  • Safety